So... here's an update I must provide now because it's serious.
Last Monday, my iPhone decided to completely crap out. This wouldn't be so bad... but because I use 2FA on Discord via Google Authenticator, I am currently totally locked out of my accounts. Now I could rage about this for multiple reasons (but if you're really dying to know about why, you'll have to DM me because I'm not going to rage here), but the main thing I must inform everyone about is, until I get this resolved, I cannot use Discord at all. And that's even if this can be resolved. I've exhausted a bunch of things so far, including tracking down my backup codes (which it turns out are invalid and they never bothered to ask me to download the most up to date codes but I'm not going into that further because again, DM me if you really want to know why I'm raging about this), and now my only option is to put my iPhone in for repair (if they'll accept Affirm because I don't have $550 just sitting in my pocket for such an occasion...) and hope that when it's restored it still has my Google Authenticator intact...
But even though I'm fighting this as well as I can, I really have to face the possibility that I might have to start a new Discord... I'm going to be very upset if I have to because there's quite a few people I keep contact with there. If you have contact with me and you come across this, please reach out to me as soon as possible either via DM or you can use my Telegram, too. I'm going to be in contact with quite a few people shortly to let them know about this situation.
Anyway, yeah... I've hit a rough patch that's mainly a result of moving troubles (mainly with it being expensive AF, but that's beside the point). I'm gonna hope I can move past this, hope for the best and possibly expect the worst, and get back in the groove.
Actually, I have to throw this in there because it's also relevant to barriers to my comeback: my desktop is pretty much dead. It turned off one day before I moved states and it never turned back on ever again. Like, it does absolutely nothing when I press the power button. And using a test with my power supply, I can confirm that the motherboard is pretty much dead. I'm not sure I can track down another motherboard exactly like it, nor would I really want to because at this point it's past its prime. Best I can do is hope I can part it out or something and recoup a bit of money from it, but that'll be another story. I'll just have to wait until I can get another desktop or something because my laptop isn't 100% ideal for making art (mainly due to quirks with how CSP decides to address tablet controls). So until then, get used to my Note8 artworks because I can at least work on them while I'm on break at my job.
Anyway... that's all. I'm going now. Bye.